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We’re excited to announce our new company newsletter!
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Hi everyone,

We are excited to announce the launch of our new internal company newsletter! Our goal is to keep you informed about what's happening in the company and create a sense of community among employees.

Our newsletter will feature a variety of content, including career opportunities, employee recognition, company events, fun facts, and more. We encourage you to take a few minutes each week to read the newsletter and stay up-to-date with what's happening in the company.

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We believe that our newsletter will help to improve communication and collaboration within our company, and we hope that you find it informative and engaging. We welcome any feedback or suggestions for future newsletters.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our company, and we look forward to sharing more news and updates with you through our new internal company newsletter.

Thank you, 

People Team

We’re excited to announce our new company newsletter!
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Hey team! 👋

We are super excited to announce the launch of our new employee newsletter! 🗞️ We want to keep you informed about what's happening in the company and create a strong sense of community. 🤝

Watch out for exciting career opportunities, employee recognition, company events and important announcements, fun facts, and special surprises! ⌚ Take a few minutes each week to read the newsletter and stay up-to-date with what's happening in the company.

We welcome any feedback or suggestions for future newsletters. In fact, we insist! Let us know your thoughts and chime in on brief surveys when you see them pop up. 😀

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We sincerely believe that our newsletter will help to improve communication and collaboration within our company, and we hope that you find it informative and engaging.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our company, and we look forward to sharing more news and updates with you through our new internal company newsletter.

🙏 Your People Team

We’re excited to announce our new company newsletter!
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Hi all,

We are excited to announce the launch of our new internal company newsletter!

Our newsletter will feature a variety of content, including career opportunities, employee recognition, company events, fun facts, and more. We encourage you to take a few minutes each week to read the newsletter and stay up-to-date with what's happening in the company.

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Thank you for your continued dedication to our company, and we look forward to sharing more news and updates with you through our new internal company newsletter.

We welcome any feedback or suggestions for future newsletters.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
1st day of the month
Recommended Channel:
Work Email
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How to write Newsletters at work

Having a company newsletter is an effective way to keep employees informed about what's happening in the company. It can also help to improve employee engagement and morale by keeping everyone on the same page. Here are some tips for writing an effective and engaging newsletter:

1. Keep it concise: A newsletter should be easy to read and digest. Keep it concise and to the point, with short paragraphs and bullet points to break up the text.

2. Make it visually appealing: Use images, graphics, and other visual elements to make the newsletter more engaging and interesting to read.

3. Include a variety of content: Include a mix of company news, employee features, upcoming events, and other relevant content to keep employees interested and engaged. Some topics to consider:

    • Job openings
    • Upcoming events
    • Birthdays
    • Milestones
    • New hires
    • Retirements
    • Leadership messages
    • Company financials
    • Industry news
    • Employee profiles
    • Event recaps
    • Policy changes or updates
    • Link or point of contact for suggestions/feedback/questions

4. Use a conversational tone: Use a conversational tone that is friendly and approachable. This will help to create a sense of community and make employees feel more connected to the company.

5. Encourage feedback: Encourage employees to provide feedback and suggestions for future newsletters. This will help to ensure that the newsletter is meeting their needs and interests.

Remember, a well-crafted newsletter can be a powerful tool for building a strong company culture and fostering employee engagement.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to create an engaging company newsletter that your employees will love? Contact ChangeEngine for expert advice!