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Let's Relish the Moment: Celebrating National Hot Dog Day Together!
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Hi everyone,

Today, we celebrate National Hot Dog Day, a fun holiday that honors one of America's favorite foods. Did you know that Americans consume about 20 billion hot dogs a year? 

To celebrate, we're hosting a virtual "Hot Dog Show and Tell" during lunch. Prepare your favorite hot dog recipe and share it with us on our team call. For those in the office, we'll have a hot dog stand in the break room. 

We also encourage everyone to participate in our "Hot Dog Trivia" on our intranet. Test your knowledge and win some fun prizes!

Thank you,

People Team

Let's Relish the Moment: Celebrating National Hot Dog Day Together!
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Hey everyone,

Happy National Hot Dog Day! 🌭 Did you know that this holiday was established by the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council in 1991? Now that's a fun fact to relish!

To celebrate, we're hosting a virtual "Top Dog" competition. Snap a picture of your most creative hot dog topping combo and share it on our team chat. The most mouth-watering masterpiece will win a prize! 

For those in the office, we'll have a hot dog stand in the break room. Feel free to grab a dog and garnish it with your favorite toppings. Remember, there's no such thing as too much mustard on this day! 

Let's ketchup and have some fun today! 🌭🎉

Thank you,

People Team

Let's Relish the Moment: Celebrating National Hot Dog Day Together!
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Hi all,

Today we celebrate National Hot Dog Day, a fun holiday dedicated to one of America's favorite foods. Did you know that Americans consume about 20 billion hot dogs a year? That's a lot of hot dogs!

To celebrate, we're encouraging everyone to enjoy a hot dog for lunch. If you're in the office, we'll have a hot dog stand set up in the break room. For those working remotely, consider ordering from your favorite local hot dog joint and share a photo with us on our team chat.

Let's make this day fun and memorable. Enjoy your hot dogs!

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
Day of National Hot Dog Day (July 21st)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
Celebrating National Hot Dog Day Together
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Hi everyone,

We hope this message finds you well. We are excited to announce that our company will be participating in the upcoming National Hot Dog Day, which is just a week away. 

This is a great opportunity for us to come together as a team and celebrate this fun holiday. We are currently finalizing the details of our celebration and will share them with you soon. Please keep an eye on your emails for further updates.

We look forward to celebrating this day with all of you. Let's make it a memorable one!

Thank you,

People Team

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How to celebrate National Hot Dog Day at work

National Hot Dog Day is a fun and delicious holiday celebrated annually on the third Wednesday of July. This day is dedicated to appreciating hot dogs, a popular food item that has become an integral part of American culture. 

Recognizing diverse and fun holidays like National Hot Dog Day is important as it fosters a sense of community and engagement among employees. It provides an opportunity for team members to connect on a personal level, share experiences, and create lasting memories, thereby boosting morale and productivity.

Ways to celebrate National Hot Dog Day at work:

  • Organize a hot dog potluck where everyone brings their favorite toppings.
  • Host a hot dog eating contest.
  • Arrange for a food truck specializing in hot dogs to visit the office.
  • Have a hot dog themed trivia or quiz.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to make your National Hot Dog Day sizzle? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's cook up a celebration that's truly relish-able!