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Time to spring forward! - Daylight Saving Starts
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Hi everyone,

It's that time of the year again! Daylight Saving Time is about to start, signaling longer daylight hours in the evenings. This Sunday, [Date], remember to set your clocks forward one hour before heading to bed on Saturday night.

The official time change is at 2:00 AM, advancing to 3:00 AM. While we might feel the pinch of losing an hour of sleep, the extended daylight in the evening can be a welcome change for many.

Most smartphones, computers, and other connected devices should adjust the time automatically. Still, it's a good idea to check and ensure all your manual clocks, watches, and any devices not set to auto-adjust are updated.

Let's ensure that our schedules, appointments, and activities align with this time shift to prevent any misunderstandings.

Thank you for adjusting to this transition smoothly, and here's to brighter evenings ahead!

P.S. Daylight Saving isn't observed everywhere. Please double check if and when your location makes the switch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylightsavingtimebycountry

People Team

Time to spring forward! - Daylight Saving Starts
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Hey Team,

Guess what's back? Daylight Saving Time! 🌞 This means more sunshine in our evenings. So, on Saturday night, [Date], don't forget to jump your clocks forward by an hour before you catch some z's.

Technically, 2:00 AM magically becomes 3:00 AM. Yeah, we'll miss that hour of sleep a bit, but hey, brighter evenings? Totally worth it! 🌅

Your gadgets should mostly handle the switch on their own, but give those old-school clocks and watches a quick glance. Let's keep our schedules in sync and dodge any time-related mix-ups.

Thanks for rolling with the changes and cheers to those sunny evenings ahead! 🥂

P.S. Daylight Saving isn't observed everywhere. Please double check if and when your location makes the switch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylightsavingtimebycountry

People Team

Time to spring forward! - Daylight Saving Starts
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Hi all,

Daylight Saving Time is starting again. On Saturday night, [Date], remember to set your clocks forward by an hour. We'll be losing an hour of sleep, but in return, we get longer evenings!

Most devices will auto-adjust, but do double-check your manual clocks and watches. It's essential to keep our schedules aligned and avoid any confusion.

Thanks for adapting, and here's to enjoying the extended daylight.

P.S. Daylight Saving isn't observed everywhere. Please double check if and when your location makes the switch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylightsavingtimebycountry

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
1 day before Daylight Saving Starts
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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Daylight Saving Reminder for employees

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is a practice adopted by numerous countries to make better use of daylight during the longer days of summer. By moving the clocks forward an hour in the spring, typically around March, it aims to extend evening daylight, allowing people to enjoy more natural light and theoretically conserve energy. When DST starts, mornings will briefly have less daylight, while evenings will see more.

Reminding employees at work about the onset of DST is important because the adjustment affects work schedules, planned meetings, and other time-sensitive tasks. Moreover, the shift can impact individuals' sleep patterns and daily routines, so awareness helps in ensuring a smooth transition in both personal and professional arenas.

Inspiration from other companies

Don't let your communications fall back with the clocks! Reach out to changeEngine for timely and effective Daylight Saving Time messaging.