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A Deliciously Insightful Session Awaits: Join Us for Lunch & Learn!
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Hi everyone,

Ever thought about how a good meal can become even better when it's paired with some food for thought? If so, you're in luck! Our next Lunch & Learn session is just around the corner.

We're inviting you to join us on [DATE] at [TIME]. While you're enjoying your lunch, we'll dive into an exciting topic designed to boost our skills and trigger some interesting conversations: [SPEAKER] will be shedding light on [TOPIC].

The aim of these Lunch & Learn sessions is simple: we want to grow together, as a team and as individuals. Whether it's learning a new skill, seeing things from a different perspective, or uncovering fresh ideas, there's always something valuable to take away.

So, pack your lunch, find a comfy spot (virtually or in person), and get ready to learn while you lunch.

We're looking forward to you joining us. Let's combine our lunch with learning and continue to grow together!

Thank you,

People Team

A Deliciously Insightful Session Awaits: Join Us for Lunch & Learn!
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Hi everyone, 👋

Ever wondered how much tastier a meal could be when paired with a generous serving of knowledge? Well, you're in luck, because it's time for our next Lunch & Learn! 🍽️💡📖

Join us this [DATE] at [TIME] as we indulge both our taste buds and our minds. While you savor your favorite lunch, we'll be introducing an exciting topic that promises to enrich our work and spark meaningful conversation: [SPEAKER] will be presenting [TOPIC].

As always, the aim of our Lunch & Learn sessions is to grow as a team and as individuals. Whether it's a new skill, a fresh perspective, or an innovative idea, there's always something valuable to take away from these sessions.

So grab your lunch, pull up a chair (virtually or physically), and let's fill our plates with knowledge as well as food. Remember, learning is an ongoing process, and when combined with a tasty meal, it's twice as fun! 😋

Looking forward to seeing you all there. Together, we'll lunch, learn, and level up! 🥗🧠⬆️

Thank you, 🙏

People Team

A Deliciously Insightful Session Awaits: Join Us for Lunch & Learn!
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Hi all,

Join us for our next Lunch & Learn on [DATE] at [TIME]. We've lined up [SPEAKER] to dive into [TOPIC], promising a stimulating discussion sure to enhance our skills.

Our Lunch & Learn sessions are designed to facilitate growth, both as a team and on an individual level. Each session presents an opportunity to learn a new skill, explore a new perspective, or unearth innovative ideas.

Bring your lunch, secure your spot—virtual or in-person—and prepare for a combination of dining and learning.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
14 days before date of Lunch and Learn
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to host a Lunch and Learn at work

A "Lunch and Learn" is a workplace event that combines a meal with a learning session. During the lunch hour, employees engage in an educational presentation on a specific topic, which can range from job-related subjects to personal development themes. The casual environment encourages open discussions and team bonding.

Lunch and Learn sessions offer numerous benefits. They provide a time-efficient learning opportunity without impacting work hours, promoting morale and productivity. These sessions foster a culture of continuous learning, stimulate innovation, and improve job performance. They also encourage knowledge sharing and help employees stay abreast of industry trends, contributing to a dynamic and inclusive work environment.

  • Topic Selection: Choose topics that are relevant and engaging for your team, related to professional growth or personal wellness.
  • Preparation: Schedule the session well in advance, select a knowledgeable speaker, and provide food if possible.
  • Interactive Approach: Maintain a casual atmosphere and promote discussion, questions, and group activities for engagement.
  • Follow-Up: Share key points or additional resources after the session and record it for those who couldn't attend.
  • Feedback Collection: Seek feedback post-session to improve future Lunch & Learn events.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to host your own Lunch & Learn at work? Reach out to ChangeEngine for the best tips and tricks.