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Join us in Observing International Day of Peace
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Hi everyone, 

We’re excited to announce that we will be observing the International Day of Peace.

International Day of Peace, celebrated annually on September 21st, is a global initiative established by the United Nations to promote peace and harmony among individuals, communities, and nations. This year's theme, “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #Global Goals” encourages us to reflect on our roles in creating a more peaceful world.

In line with this spirit, we would like to invite you to participate in activities that foster understanding, unity, and respect within our workplace. Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Socially - Random Acts of Kindness: Engage in simple acts of kindness throughout the day. Whether it's offering a helping hand, showing gratitude, or complimenting a colleague, your actions can make a significant impact.

  • Personally - Mindfulness Sessions: Join our mindfulness sessions to practice techniques that help reduce stress, promote mental well-being, and cultivate inner peace.

Remember, observing International Day of Peace is not limited to just one day. Let's strive to incorporate the values of peace, empathy, and compassion into our daily interactions and activities in the workplace.

We encourage each of you to participate and share your ideas to make this day meaningful. Our collective efforts can create a lasting impact and contribute to a workplace culture that prioritizes peace and harmony.

We look forward to celebrating International Day of Peace with all of you.

Thank you, 

People Team

Join us in Observing International Day of Peace
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Hey everyone ✌️

We will be observing the International Day of Peace here in our workplace! ☮️

You might be wondering what the International Day of Peace is all about. It's a special day celebrated worldwide every September 21st to promote peace and harmony among people, communities, and countries. This year's theme is “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #Global Goals,” which calls on all of us to reflect on our roles in building a more peaceful world.

🙌 Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  • ❣️ Be kind to others (Random Acts of Kindness): Let's spread some love and kindness! Throughout the day, try doing little acts of kindness for your colleagues. It could be as simple as offering a helping hand, expressing gratitude, or giving a compliment. Trust me, these small gestures can make a big difference.

  • ❣️ Be kind to yourself (Mindfulness Breaks): Take a breather and join our mindfulness sessions. We'll learn techniques to reduce stress, improve our mental well-being, and find inner peace. It's a chance to recharge and reset.

I'm counting on you to participate and bring your awesome ideas to the table. Together, we can make this day truly meaningful and create a workplace culture that values peace and harmony.

Remember, observing International Day of Peace isn't just a one-day thing. Let's strive to incorporate peace, empathy, and compassion into our daily interactions and activities at work.

🤗 Your People Team

Join us in Observing International Day of Peace
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Hi all, 

International Day of Peace, celebrated annually on September 21st, is a global initiative established by the United Nations to promote peace and harmony among individuals, communities, and nations. 

This year's theme, “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #Global Goals” encourages us to reflect on our roles in creating a more peaceful world. Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Socially - Random Acts of Kindness: Whether it's offering a helping hand, showing gratitude, or complimenting a colleague, your actions can make a significant impact.

  • Personally - Mindfulness Sessions: Join our mindfulness sessions to practice techniques that help reduce stress, promote mental well-being, and cultivate inner peace.

Let's strive to incorporate the values of peace, empathy, and compassion into our daily interactions and activities in the workplace.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On International Day of Peace (September 21st)
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Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate International Day of Peace at work

International Day of Peace, observed on September 21st each year, is a global initiative to promote world peace and non-violence. This day serves as a reminder that peace is not merely the absence of conflict but a state of harmony and cooperation among individuals and nations. 

History and Significance of International Day of Peace

The International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations in 1981, with its first observance in 1982. The purpose of this day is to promote peace and non-violence through various activities, events, and initiatives. The UN encourages individuals, organizations, and governments around the world to observe this day and engage in activities that contribute to peacebuilding and conflict resolution.

The International Day of Peace holds immense significance as it reminds us of the importance of fostering peace and understanding in our daily lives. In the workplace, it serves as an opportunity to promote a harmonious and inclusive environment, where employees feel valued, respected, and supported. A peaceful workplace can enhance productivity, collaboration, and overall employee well-being.

Observing International Day of Peace in the Workplace

  • Open Dialogue: Encourage open and respectful communication among colleagues. Create a safe space for employees to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Foster an environment where different perspectives are valued and conflicts are resolved peacefully through dialogue and understanding. Open up discussions for better communication and understanding in observation of International Day of Peace.

  • Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Embrace the diversity of your workforce and celebrate different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. Recognize and appreciate the unique contributions each individual brings to the workplace. Encourage teamwork and collaboration that transcends boundaries and fosters mutual respect by setting up activities that require employees to lean into each other’s skills and backgrounds.

  • Conflict Resolution: Establish effective conflict resolution mechanisms within the workplace. Encourage employees to address conflicts constructively and seek mediation or counseling if necessary. Provide training on conflict resolution techniques and encourage employees to actively participate in creating a peaceful work environment.

  • Acts of Kindness: Encourage employees to engage in acts of kindness and compassion towards one another. Small gestures such as offering assistance, expressing gratitude, or simply lending an empathetic ear can go a long way in creating a peaceful and supportive workplace culture. Use this day to kick-off year-round recognition and random acts of kindness initiatives. 

  • Volunteer and Community Engagement: Organize volunteer activities or community engagement initiatives as a team. By participating in projects that promote peace, social justice, and equality, employees can contribute to making a positive impact both within and beyond the workplace.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to honor International Day of Peace in a memorable way with your team? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's cultivate peace and unity together in your workplace!