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Celebrating National Volunteer Month – let’s make a difference together
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Hi everyone,

April is National Volunteer Month. As a company, we believe in giving back to society, and I encourage all of you to participate in volunteer activities this month -- and beyond.

Volunteering is a selfless act that benefits society while also providing personal benefits, including improved mental health and a sense of purpose. There are many ways you can participate in National Volunteer Month:

1. Virtual Volunteering: Participate in virtual events such as online tutoring, mentoring, or fundraising campaigns that align with your interests.

2. Community Service: Volunteer in your local community by participating in clean-up drives, food drives, or other community service activities.

3. Skill-Based Volunteering: Use your skills and expertise to support non-profit organizations in need. For example, graphic designers can help with website design, while writers can help with grant proposals.

4. Employee Volunteer Programs: Join employee volunteer programs that bring our team together to contribute to a common cause.

If you are interested in participating in any volunteer activities, please reach out to your manager or HR representative, and we will provide you with the necessary resources and support.

Let us celebrate National Volunteer Month by making a difference in our communities and contributing to a better world.

Thank you, 

People Team

Celebrating National Volunteer Month – let’s make a difference together
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Hey everyone 👋

April is National Volunteer Month. ❣️ As a company, we believe in giving back to society, and I encourage all of you to participate in volunteer activities this month -- and beyond.

Volunteering is a selfless act that benefits society while also providing personal benefits, including improved mental health and a sense of purpose. There are many ways you can participate in National Volunteer Month:

💻 Virtual Volunteering: Participate in virtual events such as online tutoring, mentoring, or fundraising campaigns that align with your interests.

♻️ Community Service: Volunteer in your local community by participating in clean-up drives, food drives, or other community service activities.

🤹 Skill-Based Volunteering: Use your skills and expertise to support non-profit organizations in need. For example, graphic designers can help with website design, while writers can help with grant proposals.

🤝 Employee Volunteer Programs: Join employee volunteer programs that bring our team together to contribute to a common cause.

If you are interested in participating in any volunteer activities, please reach out to your manager or HR representative, and we will provide you with the necessary resources and support.

Let us celebrate National Volunteer Month by making a difference in our communities and contributing to a better world. 🤗

Thank you! 🙏 

Your People Team

Celebrating National Volunteer Month – let’s make a difference together
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Hi all,

April is National Volunteer Month. As a company, we believe in giving back to society.

There are many ways you can participate in National Volunteer Month:

  1. Participate in virtual events such as online tutoring, mentoring, or fundraising campaigns that align with your interests.
  2. Volunteer in your local community by participating in clean-up drives, food drives, or other community service activities.
  3. Use your skills and expertise to support non-profit organizations in need. 
  4. Join employee volunteer programs that bring our team together to contribute to a common cause.

If you are interested in participating in volunteer activities, please reach out to your manager or HR representative for resources and support.

Thank you. 

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
Start of National Volunteer Week (April 1st)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate National Volunteer Month in a work environment

April is National Volunteer Month, a time to recognize the efforts of individuals who volunteer their time and skills to help others. While volunteering is a selfless act that benefits society, it also has personal benefits, including improved mental health and a sense of purpose.

As a company, you can observe National Volunteer Month by encouraging employees to get involved in volunteer activities.

Here are some ways your employees can participate:

  1. Virtual Volunteering: Finding time to volunteer outside of home and work responsibilities can be challenging. Virtual volunteering is an excellent option for employees to give back to society. They can participate in virtual events such as online tutoring, mentoring, or fundraising campaigns.
  2. Community Service: Employees can volunteer in their local community by participating in clean-up drives, food drives, or other community service activities. They can also join organizations that align with their interests and contribute to their cause.
  3. Skill-Based Volunteering: Employees can use their skills and expertise to support non-profit organizations in need. For example, graphic designers can help with website design, while writers can help with grant proposals.
  4. Employee Volunteer Programs: You can organize volunteer programs that bring employees together to contribute to a common cause. This can help build teamwork skills, improve employee engagement, and foster a sense of community.

Observing National Volunteer Month is an excellent way to give back to society while also providing personal benefits to employees. Encourage employees to volunteer in local communities and participate in virtual volunteering events to make a positive impact on the world.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to organize a volunteering event for National Volunteer Month? Need virtual and remote friendly ideas? Contact ChangeEngine for expert guidance!