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Please join us in observing International Day for Tolerance!
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Hi everyone, 

November 16th is observed as International Day of Tolerance. It is important to reflect on what this day means and how it should be observed in the workplace. 

International Day of Tolerance encourages us to recognize our differences and similarities among all people and cultures as we strive for a more peaceful world. In the workplace, this entails fostering an environment that values each individual’s unique perspectives, backgrounds and beliefs. Respect for one another’s opinions should always be maintained while working together towards common goals. 

We must also work to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their talents and knowledge without fear of judgement or ridicule. This requires being mindful of our language, words and actions when interacting with colleagues both inside and outside the office. 

We will be hosting several training sessions this month. We’ll discuss recognizing unconscious bias, microagressions, and promoting inclusivity. Sign up in the conference room for the time slot that works best for your schedule.

Let us join together in celebrating International Day of Tolerance by promoting respect, understanding, acceptance, collaboration and appreciation for diversity within our workplace. 

Thank you for helping make our workplace a safe and inclusive space for all! 

Thank you, 

People Team

Please join us in observing International Day for Tolerance!
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Hey everyone 👋

As we observe International Day of Tolerance on November 16th, let's take a moment to reflect on its significance and how we can practice it in the workplace. 🤝

We should strive to be accepting of all backgrounds, beliefs and perspectives while working together towards our common goals. Let's create an environment where everyone feels safe to share their talents without judgement or ridicule. 💗 

This month, sign up for our training sessions to learn about recognizing unconscious bias, microagressions, and promoting inclusivity. It's our responsibility to promote respect, understanding, acceptance and appreciation for diversity within our workplace. 

📅 You can choose a time that works best for your schedule and sign up in the conference room.

Together, we can make this a safe place for everyone! Thank you for your commitment to making our company inclusive and welcoming.

🙏 Your People Team

Please join us in observing International Day for Tolerance!
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Hi all, 

November 16th is observed as International Day of Tolerance. 

International Day of Tolerance encourages us to recognize our differences and similarities among all people and cultures as we strive for a more peaceful world. 

We will be hosting several training sessions this month. We’ll discuss recognizing unconscious bias, microagressions, and promoting inclusivity. Sign up in the conference room for the time slot that works best for your schedule.

Let’s observe International Day of Tolerance by promoting respect, understanding, acceptance, collaboration and appreciation for diversity within our workplace year-round. 

Thank you for helping make our workplace a safe and inclusive space for all! 

People Team

All Employees
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On International Day for Tolerance (November 16th)
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Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to observe International Day for Tolerance at work

The International Day for Tolerance, observed annually on November 16, is a UNESCO-initiated event aimed at raising awareness of the importance of tolerance. Established in 1995, the day seeks to encourage respect, acceptance, and appreciation of global cultural diversity. The goal is to foster peace, promote dialogue and cooperation among different cultures, and prevent conflicts, in line with UNESCO's mandate.

Observing the International Day for Tolerance at work can significantly contribute to creating an inclusive, respectful, and harmonious workplace. Celebrating this day allows organizations to reinforce the importance of understanding and accepting diverse perspectives, thereby fostering a culture of inclusion and mutual respect. It can provide a platform for educational opportunities, enlightening employees about the value of diversity and the importance of treating all colleagues with dignity and respect. Additionally, it serves as a reminder to challenge prejudice and discrimination, which can enhance team cohesion, productivity, and overall employee wellbeing. The day can also spark meaningful conversations that promote empathy, enhance team bonds, and improve interpersonal relations among employees.

Activities/Ideas for International Day of Tolerance at work:

  • Celebration of Diversity: Showcase the diversity of your team. Encourage employees to share aspects of their cultural heritage, such as food, music, or personal stories. Create an inclusive environment where everyone feels their background is valued and respected.
  • Training Sessions: Conduct training sessions on recognizing unconscious bias, microagressions, and promoting inclusivity. These should provide practical tips on how employees can show tolerance in their day-to-day interactions.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to make sure you are acknowledging diverse holidays and days of observance with your team? Contact ChangeEngine for guidance on streamlining respectful, timely, informational, and meaningful DEIB and holiday communications.