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Let's celebrate Diversity Awareness Month!
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Hi everyone,

October is Global Diversity Awareness Month!

Diversity is a valuable aspect of our society as it provides us with the opportunity to gain new perspectives and experiences, allowing us to learn from one another and appreciate the uniqueness of our differences. Celebrating diversity means recognizing and embracing our differences, whether it be race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or culture.

As a community, we can come together and engage in activities that promote inclusivity and encourage us to step outside of our comfort zones.

This month, we invite you to participate in various celebrations of diversity. These include trying new cultural foods, watching foreign films, marking your calendar for history and heritage celebrations, listening to new artists from a variety of backgrounds, and visiting a cultural art exhibition.

By engaging in these activities, we can create a more accepting and tolerant society that values and celebrates diversity in all its forms. It is our hope that through these efforts, we can continue to foster a culture of inclusivity and respect, allowing us to learn from one another and celebrate the richness of our differences.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email, and we hope you will join us in our celebration of diversity this month.

The People Team

Let's celebrate Diversity Awareness Month!
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Hey everyone,

Diversity is a beautiful thing! It allows us to see the world from different perspectives and experience life in ways we never thought possible.

This October, Celebrating Diversity Awareness Month means recognizing and embracing our differences, whether it be race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or culture. It means coming together as a community to learn from one another, share our stories, and appreciate what makes us unique.

This month, let's take the time to celebrate diversity and promote inclusion through food!

We are having a Cultural Potluck on (INSERT DATE) at (INSERT TIME)! 🌎🍽

Tacos, pasta, pizza, dumplings, kimbap, lumpias, or your grandma’s secret muffin recipe – bring a dish that represents a community you’re part of, reminds you of home, a tradition you have with the family you created as an adult, or something famous from the neighborhood you live in.

We’re all busy – we get it! No need to spend a ton of time on this. You are welcome to purchase something pre-made from your closest grocery store or pick up a dish from your favorite restaurant nearby. If you’re up to it and have the time, you can cook it yourselves.

Add what you’re bringing to the table via this spreadsheet here (INSERT LINK TO SHARED SPREADSHEET).


The People Team

Let's celebrate Diversity Awareness Month!
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Hi all,

🎉 Let's celebrate Diversity Awareness Month this October by embracing our differences! 

🌍 Engage with people who are different from you, host a cultural potluck 🥘, watch foreign films 📽️, mark your calendar for history and heritage celebrations 📅, listen to new artists 🎶, and visit a cultural art exhibition 🖼️. 

Let's create a more accepting and tolerant society that values and celebrates diversity in all its forms. #DiversityMonth

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
At start of Diversity Awareness Month (October)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate Diversity Awareness Month and promote inclusion at work

Global Diversity Awareness Month is celebrated in October and emphasizes the rich dimensions of diversity, including gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, age, and education. It's an observance that encourages appreciation for the myriad ways in which people differ and the collective benefits that such diversity brings to society and workplaces alike.

In the professional realm, recognizing Global Diversity Awareness Month can highlight the benefits of a diverse workforce, such as a broader talent pool, access to varied markets, enhanced creativity, and a more inclusive environment. It supports a workplace where diversity is not just present but leveraged for greater innovation and a sense of belonging. An inclusive culture is one where equity and inclusion are priorities, ensuring fair access to opportunities for all, and where every individual feels valued and empowered to be their authentic self.

To celebrate diversity in your workplace during this month, try these ideas:

  • Host a cultural potluck to enjoy and learn about the various cuisines that your team members cherish.
  • Coordinate a virtual cooking session or share recipes and stories behind them for remote teams.
  • Arrange a film showcase with movies that reflect different cultures and discuss them afterward.
  • Create channels for sharing international music or literature recommendations.
  • Plan outings to cultural exhibits or events that celebrate different communities.

Inspiration from other companies

Looking to increase belonging in your workplace? Book a demo with ChangeEngine today and let us help you celebrate diversity!