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Help us make working here better for you!
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Hi everyone,

We are one week away from our employee engagement survey! Your responses are critical to helping us shape all that we do.

Your completion of this survey is mandatory and anonymous. It should take no more than [duration of time] to take the survey. You will have until [date] to submit your responses. Once the survey is closed, we will share results during our next company-wide meeting on [date].

This survey is invaluable to our company's growth and development. With your input, we can continue to to improve our processes, evolve culture and adapt to your needs.

In the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions about the upcoming survey or anything else. We're here to help.

Thank you,

People Team

Help us make working here better for you!
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Hey there!

Just a quick heads up: our employee engagement survey is just one week away! 📣

We can't stress enough how important it is for you to participate and share your honest thoughts. Your feedback is like gold to us and it's what helps us shape the awesome things we do. 🔔

The survey is completely anonymous, so you can speak your mind freely. It won't take up too much of your time either, just [duration of time]. You've got until [date] to get your responses in. After that, we'll dish out the results in our next company-wide meeting on [date]. Get ready for some eye-opening insights! 📊

This survey is a game-changer for our company's growth and development. Your input helps us refine our processes, evolve our culture, and cater to your needs like the rockstars we are! 💡

Get ready to make your voice heard! 🗣️

Help us make working here better for you!
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Hi all,

REMINDER: We are one week away from our employee engagement survey!

Your completion of this survey is mandatory and anonymous. It should take no more than [duration of time] to take the survey. You will have until [date] to submit your responses. Once the survey is closed, we will share results during our next company-wide meeting on [date].

This survey is invaluable to our company's growth and development. With your input, we can continue to to improve our processes, evolve culture and adapt to your needs. 

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
7 days before
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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Announcing an upcoming employee engagement survey

Employee engagement surveys act as your company's very own market research tool to get an accurate understanding of your employees. Conducting engagement surveys is a useful way of gathering insight into what is important to your team, learning more about company culture, answering critical questions to make decisions, and more.

When communicating with your team about an engagement survey, it's important to provide thoughtful, strategic reminders to achieve a high completion rate for your survey. Employees should be provided an appropriate amount of time to complete their survey before the deadline to not add stress to their workload.

Be sure to share with employees:

  • How they can complete their survey
  • How long they have to complete their survey
  • When they will learn about the results of the survey
  • Whether the survey is mandatory or voluntary
  • And most importantly, the value of the survey to the team and company!

Inspiration from other companies

Want to increase your employee engagement survey completion rate? Contact ChangeEngine for expert advice!