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Observing Apostle Santiago Day
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Hi everyone, 

Today, we mark Apostle Santiago Day, a significant religious and cultural celebration in Spain. This day honors Saint James, the patron saint of Spain. Historically, thousands have made pilgrimages to his shrine in Santiago de Compostela. Saint James's teachings emphasize faith, perseverance, and service to others. As we respect this tradition, let's reflect on our journey and contributions.

Please remember that our offices based in Spain will be closed in observance of this holiday. Please plan accordingly!

Thank you,

People Team

Observing Apostle Santiago Day
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Hi everyone, 👋

Today is Apostle Santiago Day!

A day to honor Saint James and his important pilgrimages in Spain. 

If you're celebrating, we hope it's a meaningful day.

And a heads up, our Spain team will be OOO in observance of this holiday. Please make sure to plan accordingly!

Thank you,

People Team 🙏

Observing Apostle Santiago Day
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Hi all, 

It's Apostle Santiago Day today. Which means some teammates based in Spain might be off.

Please plan accordingly as our team members based in Spain will be OOO.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Apostle Santiago Day (July 25th)
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Slack/MS Teams Channel
Apostle Santiago Day is coming up!
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Hi everyone,

Apostle Santiago Day is next week. Our team members based in Spain will be Out Of Office to celebrate this significant holiday. 

Please ensure you plan your tasks and meetings accordingly. 

For those who'll be taking the day off, remember to set up your vacation reminders in your emails. And have a wonderful and reflective break!

Thank you! People Team

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How to observe Apostle Santiago Day at work

Apostle Santiago Day, also known as the Feast of Saint James, is celebrated every year on July 25th to honor Saint James the Greater, one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus. Saint James is the patron saint of Spain, and his remains are believed to be in Santiago de Compostela, a major pilgrimage site. The holiday is commemorated with a mix of religious observances and festive celebrations, especially in Spain, where cities like Santiago de Compostela host grand parades and fireworks. Additionally, this day is recognized in several countries, primarily in Spain but also in parts of Latin America.

Acknowledging Apostle Santiago Day in a diverse workplace showcases respect for cultural and religious traditions, creating an environment of inclusivity. As many team members might be from or have ties to regions that observe this day, recognizing it can enhance mutual understanding and solidarity.

Inspiration from other companies

Embrace the beauty of diversity through meaningful celebration! Contact ChangeEngine to elevate your organization's recognition of days like Apostle Santiago Day.