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Observing Anzac Day
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Hi everyone,

Today, we commemorate Anzac Day, a significant day of remembrance observed in Australia and New Zealand. This day honors the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations.

About Anzac Day:

- Anzac Day is celebrated on April 25th each year.

- The day was first marked in 1916, a year after the ANZAC forces landed at Gallipoli during World War I.

- The term 'ANZAC' has since been broadened to include all Australian and New Zealand servicemen and women.

Please note that our colleagues in the offices based in Australia, New Zealand, and other countries observing this holiday will be out of office today. We encourage everyone to take a moment to remember the sacrifices made by these brave individuals.

Thank you,

People Team

Observing Anzac Day
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Hey everyone, 👋

Today, we're celebrating Anzac Day, a significant day of remembrance observed on April 25th. This day honors the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations.

About Anzac Day:

- The first Anzac Day was held in 1916, a year after the ANZACs landed at Gallipoli.

- The term 'ANZAC' has strict legal protection and cannot be used commercially without permission.

- The red poppy, a symbol of remembrance, is often worn on Anzac Day.

Please note that our colleagues in Australia, New Zealand, and other countries observing this holiday will be out of office today. Let's take a moment to remember and appreciate the sacrifices made by these brave individuals.

Thank you,

People Team

Observing Anzac Day
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Hi all,

Today, we commemorate Anzac Day, observed annually on April 25th. This day is significant to our colleagues in Australia and New Zealand.

• Anzac Day honors the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served in the Gallipoli Campaign during World War I.

• The holiday is marked by dawn services, marches, remembrance services, and two-up games.

• It's a day of national remembrance in Australia and New Zealand.

Please note, our offices in Australia and New Zealand will be closed in observance of this holiday.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Anzac Day (April 25th)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
Anzac Day is coming up
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Hi everyone,

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to remind you that Anzac Day, a public holiday, is coming up in about a week, specifically on April 25th.

Please note that our offices located in countries that observe this holiday will be closed on this day. These countries include Australia, New Zealand, Cook Islands, Niue, Pitcairn Islands, and Tonga. If you are based in or work closely with colleagues in these countries, please plan your schedules accordingly to accommodate for this day off.

We encourage everyone to mark their calendars and adjust any necessary work plans to ensure a smooth workflow during this period. 

Thank you,

People Team

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How to celebrate Anzac Day at work

Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, observed on April 25th each year. It commemorates the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. Both countries observe this day as a public holiday.

Recognizing diverse holidays like Anzac Day in global teams fosters inclusivity and respect for different cultures. It also provides an opportunity to learn about and appreciate the history and traditions of team members from different backgrounds.

Ideas to consider:

  • Organize a moment of silence to honor the fallen soldiers.
  • Encourage team members to wear a red poppy, a symbol of remembrance.
  • Host a virtual "Anzac Biscuits" baking session, a traditional Anzac Day treat.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to honor and celebrate diverse holidays like Anzac Day in a meaningful way? Contact ChangeEngine today and let us help you create a memorable and inclusive celebration.