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Let’s come together to learn about and support persons with disabilities!
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Hi everyone, 

On December 3rd, we will be observing International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This day is an awareness day that is meant to celebrate the achievements and contributions of people with disabilities across the world. 

The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 47/3 established International Day of Persons with Disabilities in 1992 to heighten the profile of disability issues on a global scale and inspire understanding and acceptance of people with disabilities.

A few things to keep in mind:

There are a variety of disabilities: Understand that disabilities can be visible or invisible, physical or mental. Each individual's experience is unique, so refrain from making assumptions based on appearances or limited knowledge.

Always use inclusive Language: Use person-first language, such as "person with a disability" rather than "disabled person," to emphasize the individual over their condition. Be aware of how language shapes perceptions and attitudes.

Accessibility Matters: Always consider accessibility in physical spaces and digital platforms. Simple acts like keeping walkways clear and using readable fonts in documents can make a significant difference.

Ask, Don’t Assume: If you're unsure how to assist someone, it's respectful to ask rather than make assumptions. Not everyone with a disability needs or wants help, and the type of assistance needed may differ from person to person.

To further promote understanding of those with disabilities and their experiences, we would like to invite all employees to attend a [Special Webinar/Event/Panel Discussion] that covers this topic on December 3rd at [TIME]. The seminar will provide a space for us to better understand and learn from each other’s perspectives. 

We hope you can join us in recognizing the importance of International Day of Persons with Disabilities and participating in this seminar as one team. 

Thank you for your dedication to awareness and inclusivity in our workplace.

Thank you, 

People Team

Let’s come together to learn about and support persons with disabilities!
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Hey team, 👋

This December 3rd, we plan to come together to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of people with disabilities worldwide and recognize International Day of Persons with Disabilities. 👏 

 Fast Fact: The UN General Assembly passed Resolution 47/3 in 1992 to put disability issues on the global agenda and encourage acceptance for those with disabilities. 

📅 We're hosting a [Special Webinar/Event/Panel Discussion] that covers this topic on December 3rd at [TIME]. This training will take place at ⏱️ [TIME] - so please join us in showing our commitment to awareness and inclusion in the workplace. Plan to learn about and discuss: 

Acknowledging a Variety of Disabilities: Recognize that disabilities can be visible or invisible, physical or mental and that each individual's experience is unique. Do not presume based on appearance or lack of knowledge. 

Adopting Inclusive Language: Speak with person-first language such as "person with a disability," placing emphasis on the individual instead of the condition they have. Stay conscious about how your words shape opinions and attitudes. 

Enabling Accessibility: Look into how to make both physical spaces and digital platforms more accessible. Simple acts like ensuring walkways are unblocked and using legible fonts in documents can bring great change. 

Communicating Openly: If you're unsure about how to help someone, ask rather than make assumptions. Not all individuals with a disability need assistance, and the help they may require varies from person to person.

Thanks for your commitment - let's make this day count!

🤗 Your People Team

Let’s come together to learn about and support persons with disabilities!
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Hi all, 

On December 3rd, we will be observing International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This day is an awareness day that is meant to celebrate the achievements and contributions of people with disabilities across the world. 

To further promote understanding of those with disabilities and their experiences, we invite all employees attend a [Special Webinar/Event/Panel Discussion] that covers this topic on December 3rd at [TIME]. 

Thank you for your dedication to awareness and inclusivity in our workplace.

People Team

All Employees
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On International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3)
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How to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities at work

International Day of Persons with Disabilities, a holiday that has been around since 1992, is celebrated on December 3rd each year. This important day acknowledges the rights of people with disabilities and celebrates their achievements, contributions, and strengths. 

The History and Significance of International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities was created in 1992 by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 47/3 to promote awareness and understanding about disability issues throughout the world. It seeks to ensure inclusion for persons with disabilities so they are able to fully participate in all aspects of life without any discrimination or prejudice against them based on their condition or impairment status. This day is also meant to celebrate the unique abilities that persons with disabilities bring to society every single day-not just on December 3rd but all year long.

It's important to recognize this day to honor your employees and customers with disabilities. Here are a few tips for observing International Day of Persons with Disabilities in the workplace:

1. Educate yourself about disabilities. Educating yourself about various types of disabilities will help you create a more inclusive environment within the workplace. Learn more about different physical, mental, emotional, and social disabilities so you can better understand how to support those in your organization who may have them. 

2. Provide accessibility options for employees and customers. Take a look at what accessibility options you currently provide at your organization and consider ways to improve them if needed. For example, make sure your office spaces are wheelchair accessible or provide materials in braille or large print formats if applicable.

3. Celebrate success stories from people with disabilities. Highlight success stories from people in your organization or community who have overcome obstacles related to disability by sharing their journey during International Day of Persons with Disabilities events or gatherings in the workplace. This will show that you value their achievements as well as give others within your organization inspiration to do great things too!

A few key action-items to discuss around persons with disabilities:

  • Variety of Disabilities: Understand that disabilities can be visible or invisible, physical or mental. Each individual's experience is unique, so refrain from making assumptions based on appearances or limited knowledge.
  • Inclusive Language: Use person-first language, such as "person with a disability" rather than "disabled person," to emphasize the individual over their condition. Be aware of how language shapes perceptions and attitudes.
  • Accessibility Matters: Always consider accessibility in physical spaces and digital platforms. Simple acts like keeping walkways clear and using readable fonts in documents can make a significant difference.
  • Ask, Don’t Assume: If you're unsure how to assist someone, it's respectful to ask rather than make assumptions. Not everyone with a disability needs or wants help, and the type of assistance needed may differ from person to person.

You can learn more about International Day of Persons with disabilities here: https://www.un.org/en/observances/day-of-persons-with-disabilities

Inspiration from other companies

Want to make sure you are acknowledging diverse holidays and days of observance with your team? Contact ChangeEngine for guidance on streamlining respectful, timely, informational, and meaningful DEIB and holiday communications.