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Observing The Day after New Year's
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Hi everyone,

We'd like to acknowledge the Day after New Year's Day, a notable occasion celebrated globally. Historically, this day symbolizes reflection after ringing in the New Year, giving individuals a moment of rest.

It's an emblem of the hope and promise that each new year carries. Many cultures have specific traditions for this day, ranging from extended family feasts to local parades. Recognizing this day underlines the importance of rejuvenation and fresh starts in our lives. 

For our company, it represents our continuous commitment to growth and transformation. As we gear up for another productive year, we hope you find this day as a chance to recharge and set positive intentions.

Please note, our offices in the countries observing this holiday will be closed. If you are unsure whether your office observes this holiday, please check with your local People Team.

Thank you,

People Team

Observing The Day after New Year's
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Hi everyone, 👋

Hope you kicked off the New Year with a bang!

So you know, the Day after New Year's is a holiday in many places - a day to relax, think about those resolutions (or sleep in 😉).

Fun fact: In some cultures, this day's celebrations might even outshine New Year's Eve!

So, if you've got plans or traditions, enjoy. Please note, our offices in the countries observing this holiday will be closed. If you are unsure whether your office observes this holiday, please check with your local People Team.

Thank you,

People Team

Observing The Day after New Year's
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Hi all,

Today is "The Day after New Year's."

It’s a recognized day of rest and a public holiday in several countries.

Some colleagues based in our intentional offices may be off to celebrate, so please plan your work accordingly. If you are unsure whether your office observes this holiday, please check with your local People Team.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Day after New Year's Day (January 2nd)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
The Day after New Year's is coming up!
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Hi everyone,

The Day after New Year's is coming up in about a week. Our colleagues in Spain and some parts of Latin America will be Out Of Office to mark this observance. 

Ensure you adjust your tasks and communications accordingly. For those taking a break, please remember to set up your vacation reminders in your emails.

Here's to a refreshed start to the year!

Thank you!

People Team

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How to observe Day after New Year's Day at work

The Day after New Year's Day is observed on January 2nd, providing a moment of reflection and relaxation after the festivities of December 31st. In several countries, particularly in Spain and parts of Latin America, this day is an opportunity to continue the celebration, take a well-deserved rest, and spend time with family and friends. While not universally recognized, in countries that do, it often results in closures of government entities, businesses, and schools.

In the context of global enterprises and diverse teams, understanding and respecting this holiday promotes inclusivity and displays recognition of cultural nuances. Given the essence of this holiday - renewal and looking ahead with optimism - it also sets the tone for a positive work year. For colleagues collaborating with teams in regions observing this day, being informed avoids scheduling conflicts and miscommunications.

Ideas for observing the Day after New Year's at work:

  • Goal Setting Workshop: Start the year right by organizing a session to help team members outline their professional and personal goals.
  • Cultural Sharing Lunch: Encourage employees to bring dishes from their New Year celebrations and share stories from their traditions.
  • Wellness Session: Organize a brief relaxation or mindfulness session, helping everyone to recharge and step into the New Year with a refreshed mindset.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to make sure you are acknowledging diverse holidays and days of observance with your team? Contact ChangeEngine for guidance on streamlining respectful, timely, informational, and meaningful DEIB and holiday communications.